September 17, 2024

Envision Dream House Progress, Fall 2024

Envision Dream House Progress, Fall 2024

Envision Dream House is one of the nation’s first accessible homes for adults with developmental and physical disabilities constructed primarily through charitable donations. Located in Chicago’s Ashburn neighborhood, the home enables residents to live more independently than in alternative housing such as nursing homes.

As Construction Manager, Henry Bros. Co. expertly managed the coordination and acquisition of materials and labor from both donated and traditional trade and supplier sources. In addition to overseeing the project, Henry Bros. made substantial monetary and in-kind donations throughout the three-year preconstruction phase and continues to do so during the construction phase. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2024.

The Envision Dream House is a project of Envision Unlimited, a Chicago-based nonprofit established in 1948. The organization is dedicated to providing high-quality programs and services to Illinois residents with disabilities, regardless of race, gender, or financial ability.